
Human Memory

Resultado de imagen para memoria

The human being is able to store events that occur during the evolution of the day, by the capabilities of the brain to store information.
This ability of the brain, we call memory.
Train memory types are described:
Resultado de imagen para memoriaImmediate memory, through which retain information for a very short time. For example, the second we read and mark a number on the phone. 
Medium-term memory: Consists remember something while you reinforce, and something that distracts succeed, that something is forgotten. For example, whisper a phone number while you get to the telephone. If along the way you get distracted on something else, forget the phone number.
Long-term memory: As its name implies, it is remembered for years and even a lifetime, situations and important data for the individual. Returning to phone numbers, they are remembered without having to search in the phone book.
Resultado de imagen para memoria

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