
International Bird Day: May 9

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Resultado de imagen para el ave mas grandeBirds, I particularly envy them their condition to fly.
Imagine if we humans could fly, they would not have so many polluting vehicles. 
 And yet, there are species of flightless birds such as ostriches. Others are short flight as the gallinaceous birds, flying little and without rising much, rather storey.
Resultado de imagen para gallosOn the 9th of May, commemorates the International Day of birds.
Resultado de imagen para el ave mas grandeResultado de imagen para el ave mas grandeIt seems incongruous that (say evolutionists), birds come from dinosaurs, about 180 million years ago. I say, so heavy were those animals, but that is whimsical evolution. 
The largest bird of course, is the African ostrich and the smallest bird is the hummingbird flytrap.

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