
Home microscopes

Resultado de imagen para microscopios de juguete

Do you have some microscope at home, no matter if toy and is in good working order?
Resultado de imagen para microscopios de jugueteThen you have an object that you will spend incredible moments. 
Motivated by the videos of microorganisms that puts in Youtube Francisco Pujante Capilla friend, I decided to get my old microscope and look again at these single-celled critters, microscopic algae and other fascinating things of nature. 
Resultado de imagen para microorganismosThere are toy microscopes bring a camera that connects to your computer and can get so photos and videos of microorganisms as paramecium, Euglena, amoebas and many more.
Go ahead and dust off that microscope and use it again.
It will provide hours of learning and entertainment.

Watch this video:

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