
The Name

Resultado de imagen para palabra nombre

Since humans acquired the ability to speak, we have distinguished the things around us, assigning to each a particular word.

That particular word also have assigned a word and have called name or noun.

So and so, that the name is the word used to describe objects, things, ideas, etc.

The name has several characteristics or traits such as:


Resultado de imagen para palabra nombre

Common name
Own name
Concrete Name
Name Abstract

Gender refers to male names and female names. (Mars, Moon, Rachel, Joseph).

 The number refers to the number of objects, if it is one, will name or singular noun (house, cat, hope).

If you refer to several objects, it is called a name or plural noun. (Houses, cats, coins).

The common name is designating objects of the same class. (People, horse, stars).

Resultado de imagen para palabra nombreProper names are designating a particular being. (Luis, Saturn, Mary).

The concrete noun refers to beings and things that exist in our environment. (Stone, cars, dog). 

The name refers to abstract thoughts, ideas. (Faith, politics, charity).

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